I have been connecting with Spirit since I was a child, but I didn’t fully and whole-heartedly open up my mediumship until more recently. I have been undergoing intense Spiritual development since my journey officially began in October of 2021.

Along this journey, I learned how to do mediumship and aura readings. I began pairing my artistic life with my spiritual practices and decided to begin painting auras. I also discovered that I had been communicating psychically with animals my entire life- tuning in to animals was always so natural to me that I didn’t realize it was a sacred, special gift.

I have worked hard on my development in my Spiritual practices. Since October of 2021, I have taken courses on being an Empath, Psychic, and Medium. I began attending a psychic medium development circle and continue to devote one night a week to this practice. I understand that there’s still a long way to go in my development as a psychic medium, but in the meantime I am committed to being honest and up front with my clients about my limitations.

I continue to work on my Spiritual development and practice on a daily basis.

TikTok: @ALittleTooMagical